alex umbers

B. Physiotherapy (honours)


Throughout his life, Alex has always been involved in sport and physical activity in some form or another. Some of Alex’s earlier memories on the family farm at Bogan Gate include a various mix of rugby on the grass out the front of the house, cricket and hockey on the brick driveway and numerous hikes up into the hill (amongst the necessary farm jobs of course). 

Whilst Alex was fortunate to not suffer many injuries growing up, he was exposed to Physiotherapy and the benefits of the profession via his younger brother, who became a regular at the local Physiotherapy clinic with several recurrent sporting injuries.

Alex completed his Bachelor of Physiotherapy (with Honours) at CSU in Orange. Within his Honours project, Alex investigated the various effects of rigid vs Kinesio tape for people with chronic ankle instability- an issue his brother continues to suffer with! During this time, he played in University games tournaments, inter-CSU competitions, regular students vs lecturers frisbee game on a Friday afternoon, and his beloved CSU Aggies Rugby club for 4 years.

Since graduation, Alex has worked in hospital settings in both Tamworth and Orange, where he gained a strong appreciation for acute care Physiotherapy. During these roles, he gained experience in neurological rehab, intensive care, and various ward-based rotations. Alex has also completed additional courses in vestibular rehabilitation, lateral hip pain and running retraining, and gained further experience through various sports coverage. Now at Bathurst Physiotherapy, Alex is enjoying the transition into sports and musculoskeletal based therapy, and building relationships with the people that walk through each day!